Event details
- Monday | January 6, 2020
- 19:30
- Falmouth Methodist Church Killigrew Street Falmouth TR11 3PG
- 01326 378065
The next Filling Station will be held on Monday 6th January and our speaker will be Patrick Sookedeo. Patrick will be speaking about the Hope of The Gospel.
The Filling Station is an informal way of expressing the Christian faith and all are most welcome to this comfortable, cafe-style form of worship.
If you are searching for spiritual fulfillment or just seeking peace of mind, do come.
This month the Filling Station will be meeting at Falmouth Methodist Church, Falmouth.
All are welcome, please bring a friend, and if you need transport please call Beth, the Budock Parish Administrator, on 01326 378065 to arrange.
If you would like more information about the Filling Station have a look at our web site, you can find it in the Reach Out section.