Monday 27 February – Sunday 12 March
The food on our tables, the tea and coffee in our mugs, all from farmers who toil, sweat and slog.
However hard they work to provide the things we depend on, millions of farmers in developing countries aren’t paid what they deserve.
When we come together we can change the way people think about trade and the products on our shelves – the Fairtrade movement is made up of ordinary people doing extraordinary things in their communities for Fairtrade.
Join us this Fairtrade Fortnight to help our friends, neighbours, colleagues and communities to put Fairtrade in their break and take exploitation out. At Budock we shall be ‘taking our own break’ on Sunday 5th March by providing a small Fairtrade display and shall be serving refreshments as usual after the service but these will be served in Church, Fairtrade Tea, Coffee and cookies will be available.
The following week Sunday 12th March along with our refreshments in the choir vestry we shall be selling FairTrade Easter eggs containing a book explaining the meaning of Easter, priced at £3.99. Inside is a beautifully illustrated 24 page Easter story activity book, a milk chocolate egg and a Fair trade milk chocolate bar. A charity donation is made from each sale. We shall also have some small Divine Chocolate bars available for purchase, along with further information about Fairtrade