Messy Church ‘Trusting God’ – 12th November 2016

The theme of Messy Church on 12th November was ‘Trusting God’, and the activities and celebration were based around the 23rd Psalm.

The helpers arrived at 8.45 to prepare All Saints Church; a lot of chairs have to be moved to create a lovely open space. Families start to arrive at 9.30 for breakfast of cereals, toast and drinks with the helpers.


Then it was time for the activities; making a small comfort blanket, thinking quietly about a loved one who has passed away, creating a nature scene which somehow involved a lot of small colourful sheep that the children delighted in moving, hiding and finding around the church. The fourth activity required chop sticks and cotton reels to create pulley systems used to lift containers of water (yes, it was messy). This was to illustrate how Jesus helps us to lift away our worries or whatever is weighing us down.

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Clair then skilfully led us in a Celebration that brought all these elements together, assisted by Jan as a shepherd. Clair read us a modern language version of Psalm 23 which was wonderfully clear. We finished by singing ‘The Lord’s my shepherd’.


The next Messy Church will be at All Saints Church on Saturday 10th December, 9.30-11.30 am. All are very welcome; please note that children must be accompanied by an adult. For further information see